Monday, December 29, 2008

Najwa Cewek Cakep with Protection Skin Tips

Name : Najwa
Place / date of birth : Makassar, 16 Februari 1981
Height / weight : 172 cm / 45 kg
Hobby : Singing, Travelling
Size : Shirts S : Pants 26 : Bra 34 B : Shoes : 38

Foto gadis Makassar Najwa (pics from Popular magz)
Very important to apply sunscreen and sunblock regularly when you go to the beach. Remember that all skin types are different, and that most sunscreens are only effective for about four hours. Choose a sunscreen with a high SPF, and limit your sun exposure during prime sun areas to get the most protection. You should reapply sunscreen often, usually after towel drying or a work-out is a good time. Use about one ounce (a shot glass full) per application. Apply your first layer of sunscreen at least 15 minutes before going into the sun, and reapply after swimming, sweating or toweling off. Even waterproof sun protection lotions can weaken or be rubbed off over the course of the day, so don´t think you can just apply once.

If you wear sexy swimsuit don't forget safety swimwear. More than half of all new cancers are skin cancers. One person dies every hour from skin cancer, primarily melanoma because melanoma kills more young women than any other cancer.

Foto cewek Makassar seksi Najwa

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